Orders & Shipping

Have questions about your order?

As long as your order has been shipped, we will NOT be able to cancel your order. If your order has NOT been shipped, we need notification ASAP to cancel or change your order. Please email us at CONTACT@LOOKOUTBABY.COM. If we can get to it in time please include the modifications or cancellation of the items with the order number. 

Shopping on our site is safe and secure, please review our privacy policy and how to protect your information by visiting our privacy policy page.

When your package is shipped you will receive an email notification confirming the shipment. The email will provide you with a tracking number of your page. 

Lookout Baby is not responsible for lost or stolen packages. The carrier will generally determine if your order can be left in a secure place at your delivery address.

We will only accept returns within the first 30 days of receiving the product. Conditions apply to the state of the use of the product. As long as all packaging items and accessories are sent back and in good order we will process a refund. If any damage or accessories are missing, exchanges maybe considered. Feel free to email us at CONTACT@LOOKOUTBABY.COM

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