Baby Pillows

Find a pillow that best suits your needs.
baby resting on ushaped pillow

Types of Baby Pillows

Choosing the right baby pillow is essential for your child’s comfort and safety. Whether it’s a nursery pillow, toddler pillow, or breastfeeding pillow, selecting the one that suits your baby’s stage and your needs can make a big difference in your parenting journey.

Types of baby pillows you may be looking for are:

  • Nursery Pillows
  • Toddler Pillows
  • Breast Feeding Pillows
  • Pregnancy Pillows

Best Baby Pillows

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Maternity Pillows

Explore our handpicked assortment of the best baby pillows,  to provide the perfect blend of softness and support, making the most use and comfort for both you and your baby.

Babies should use a flat and firm pillow, or no pillow at all, to reduce the risk of suffocation and promote safe sleep. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends using a firm, flat sleep surface for infants to minimize the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Pillows, if used, should be thin and firm to prevent the baby's head from sinking into them.

It's generally safe to introduce a flat pillow to babies after the age of one, once they can move and turn in bed on their own, as this reduces the risk of suffocation. However, it's crucial to consult with your pediatrician for specific guidance based on your baby's development, sleep habits, and any individual considerations, as every baby is unique. Always prioritize their safety and well-being during sleep.

Never leave a newborn unattended. Supervision and vigilant care are essential to ensure the safety and well-being of your newborn at all times.

Yes, it's okay to use a nursing pillow for a newborn during breastfeeding sessions. Nursing pillows are designed to provide support and comfort for both the baby and the breastfeeding parent, making feeding sessions more relaxed and ergonomic.

However, it's essential to use them only for their intended purpose and not as sleep pillows for the baby to ensure safe sleep practices are followed.

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